
April, 2024 Riding to Mekong River Delta

Traveling is about experience, it’s good to have a general plan to to guide your journey, but shouldn’t be a rigid schedule showed exactly when and where we need to go and strictly follow it as closely as possible. Traveling is a short journey but much like life itself, is a unique journey that should […]

Our Family Trip-March,2024

Last week, my parents took a trip to visit me, and together, we spent a two-day trip to Vung Tau, a nearby picturesque coastal city, only around 2 hours of driving from Ho Chi Minh city. Actually, this time joining us was my younger sister’s family. It was a short trip, but there were a […]

My trip to Flagstaff Oct, 2019

In October 2019, I took a trip to Flagstaff, Arizona with my friends. We planned to go hiking in the mountains and were excited to experience the natural beauty of the area. Despite the cold weather, we were all eager to see what Flagstaff had to offer. Our mission were to see permafrost for the […]

Happy day, happy life

Tips to have a good day Get enough sleep: yes, for me it’s crucial to get 7-8 hours of sleeping with a consistent sleep routine (11PM – 6AM). Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. Nowadays, it’s easier said than done when it comes to […]


As an English teacher, I believe that persistence is the most important factor of any learners in learning the language. In other words, it is a journey that requires time, effort, and patience. Surely you can achieve your goals and become confident English speakers.One of the keys to success in learning English is to set […]

Đắk Mil

Đắk Mil is a beautiful district located in the central part of Đắk Nông Province in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. The district is situated about 30km from my home. I’m always fond of and excited to explore the place. Đắk Mil is renowned for its stunning geography and weather. The district is surrounded by […]

3 Lesson learns in my 20s

I’m 29, with just one more year until I turn 30 – a milestone that many consider the most important in life. On this Saturday morning, Sipping a tasty cup of black coffee amidst the Central Highlands, it’s time to reflect on the past 10 years of my life, which served as the foundation for […]

Life As An Engineer

Hi, Time flies, I’ve been working as a Supplier Manufacturing Engineer for almost 2 years, technical wise the 2-year at this position is not a long period of time to be considered as a senior, but it’s enough for me to have quite a few of insights about the job and the industry, so I […]