
The most important person in life (p2)

Who is the most important person in your life?. 

Continue ask this question to my friends and students, here let’s check some great thoughts from my dude.

Tran Quang Binh

When I was a child, superhero movies appealed to me. I had a list of super heroes which I was fond of. I often imagined that when I have troubles or my life is in danger, those superheroes immediately come to recuse in the same way that the film had shown. Over time as I grew up and matured with age, I realized that there are two superheroes have been standing up for me since the first moment of my life. They don’t have any superpower, but they are willing to sacrifice whatever they have for me. They love me and they would give me their life without hesitation. I know for sure no one else can take great pains to do that except my parents.

With their love and guidance, my parents have had a tremendous impact on the person I am today. I can’t compare my mother and my father who is more important. Personally, both are as important like body and soul. They equally make great role in my growth. My dad is an inspiration for me, he allows me to do the things which are practical and within my reach. While my mom is the most diligent and reliable woman in my life. Your dreams easily come true if you have support from your mom.

My parents often tell me that they are my best friends and no matter what, they will always there for me. When I get problems with friends, girlfriend, jobs or anything in my life, they will always be there at the end of the day to listen and talk with me about my problems and guide me how to solve it. They never let me down or make excuses about it. They know what to tell me if I am doing something wrong which is huge plus.

We can’t measure the love of parents for their kids. It’s impossible to cover the importance of parents in our life, in one or two articles or in thousands books.

I’m very fortunate to have both father and mother, life without either can be a disaster. You and I can’t be here without our parents. Parents are Buddha and you should care them before visiting pagoda.

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