5 tips to stay focused on learning, working
Stay focused
“Starve your distractions-feed your focus”
Staying focused on learning, working, or whatever we’re doing is a tough task for everyone. However, if you can conquer this quality, your life will be much different, and the value that focus brings to us is immense. The following are some of the tips that I use to maximize my productivity.
1. Outline your goals and tasks you want to accomplish
Spend a few minutes before diving into your study session to outline what you want to achieve. This technique also helps to motivate yourself because it’s always better to know what you want. It’s up to you when you’re preparing your plan; it can be a few lines of words or anything that you can understand and feel comfortable with.
For me, I don’t spend too much time planning; keep it as simple as possible.
2. Minimize distractions
Sure, you have to find a designated studying place that you feel comfortable in. I am not talking about your bed; in fact, please stay away from your bed whenever you study. Find a quiet place where you can sit with a minimum of distractions.
You know, when I was in the dormitory, my room had 8 people, and at that time, it was extremely difficult to stay focused. The self-study room was just crowded with other students. So I planned to study other subjects with my friends, and for English, I would get up early in the morning and study. In fact, some scientific studies showed that your brain is in the best state in the morning, about 2-3 hours after waking up.
Keep in mind! Separate your working space from your relaxation space.
3. Keep essentials on your desk
In step 1, you have to define what you need to do, so just bring essential stuff that is needed. Keep you table clean and tidy that make you more comfortable.
4. Stay away from social media
Turn off the WiFi connection (if it is not needed for your study) and put away your phone, laptop, or any devices that are not necessary for your study.
Social media is a distraction factor that can take you away from effectiveness.
Think about this: when you are studying and you receive a message, you grab the phone (because we are human, and easily get distracted), and believe me, you will spend at least 15 minutes chatting back and forth with your friends. Then the next 15 minutes will be spent surfing your Facebook timeline. One thing leads to another, and by the time you realize you need to get back to study… oops! It’s time for lunch!
5. Have some short breaks
Take some short breaks, go for a walk, chat with your friends, or play with your dog or your girlfriend. Let your brain rest and recover its energy.
I often relax 10 min. for each hour of study or working!.
Plan based OR intuition based decision making
5 tips to stay focused on learning, working
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