Bài học về sự nguy hiểm của việc quên bút
I forgot my pen…. (Em quên mang bút)
While surfing the internet I found a really funny “poem” about the dangerous of forgetting your pen when you’re studying, it’s just an exaggeration started with the situation that someone goes to school and forget to bring his pen….he will DIE.
One day, a student came to his university without a pen, so in the class he could not wrote anything, and just surfed the internet, chatted with his classmates. The lecturer so angry but with a calmness voice he told the student about consequences of his life without pen…!. He said:
“You know what!, forgot your pen, it means you have NO pen, and you even didn’t borrow one from others. So you can’t take note anything, and I saw you did not pay attention to my lesson without listening and taking notes, how can you remember?. How can you pass the examination?… You will FAIL, and this is an final one, so you won’t get the degree.
Without degree combines with your weakness of physical health, let’s think how can you get a good position, or you have to do some blue collar jobs. No job leads you to No money, in the modern world today, who can survive with an empty pocket?. No money, No food, put a deeper thought what happen if you don’t eat for A DAY. Lack of nutrient you’re a skinny and ugly man. Who want to love a guy without job, money, health and ugly?. NO love, No married when you get older, and again lead to NO son, No daughter even No relatives. No one would like to hang out with you, depression will come soon. Mental breakdown will drag down your physical health, you will become sickness and sooner or later DIED is the final result.”
The story made the class laugh really hard but everyone learnt a big lesson from metaphor story. Keep in mind that it’s worth to have good preparation before doing anything.
Forgot a pen and…..